Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Tips for learning phrasal verbs

How else can you learn phrasal verbs?
Here are some ideas:

Keeping records

It is helpful to keep paper or electronic
vocabulary records for phrasal verbs:

Write down and learn verbs as vocabulary units (as if they are single words) as you meet them. Make a note of whether they have an object or not e.g. get up, look sth up, take after sb (see also p. iv). Can the verb be used in the passive? Note some common subjects and objects that the verb is used with and the grammar patterns. It may help you to remember the meaning and grammar if you write down a couple of examples. You could even add your own cartoons. You can keep a note of opposites too or a single-word verb with the same meaning. Add any related nouns and adjectives that you find.

verb: look sth up
meaning: to search for a word or some information in a book or a computer
objects: new words; telephone numbers
grammar: look sth up, look up sth; look it up
Related words: look-up (noun)

verb: take after sb
meaning: to look like or behave like an older member of your family
example: I take after my mother in looks.

Grouping verbs
Here are some different ways of grouping the verbs in your records to help you remember them: according to their particles (up, down, out, etc.) and particular meanings of the particles (e.g. for up: increasing _ speak up; finishing _ fill sth up)

Add new phrasal verbs as you meet them.
Some verbs, like get, take and put form many phrasal verbs with different particles

You can group phrasal verbs under the main verb in your records. You can group them by themes at home, at work, travelling, telephoning, etc.). When you are revising or reviewing phrasal verbs, try to group them in a different way. You may like to try writing a short story. For example, you could write about somebody making a telephone call and use the verbs call sb back, hang up, hold on, speak up, etc.

Meeting new phrasal verbs
When you meet a verb you don't know, try to guess its meaning first, using the context and what you know about the meaning of particles. This will also help you with phrasal verbs that are very new to the language as they are often formed with a word and a particle with a common meaning, for example head_up.

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009


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This test is applicable for Elementary Students:

And this is not finished yet:



Grammar Present Tense

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. What animals are they? Match the descriptions with the pictures.

Read carefully text below.
One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the elephant. This animal may be 3 or 4 meters tall. The weight may be 5 or 6 tons.
The elephant of flesh is wrapped in a wrinkled suit of rough gray skin. Its legs are like pillars. Its huge ears flap gently back and forth like wings. It may consume up to 200 kg of grass a day. It is fond of banana plants, gingers, and leaves of various plants. Look at the long trunk. When you throw some peanuts, the trunk picks up the peanuts with the ‘fingers' at the tip of the trunk. Then, the huge beast will put it into its mouth and eat it happily. The elephant is also remarkable for its tusks. Tusks are long teeth that continue to grow throughout its life. The number of these animals, however, has decreased a lot. More and more of them are killed for their tusks. Many die because trees in their forest have been cut down. They cannot find food and protection in the forest anymore. If people aren't able to save them, these animals, sooner or later, may vanish from the earth.

Task 1: Match the question and the answer below by click A, B, C, D and E

Task2: Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

Read carefully text below.
I have friends. Their names are Ari and Ario. Almost everyone who meets them thinks they are twins , because they look similar and are always together. In fact, they are not twins but only friends. When they go out to work , everyone in his profession knows and respects them. They work as a team. Ari is a journalist and Ario is a photographer.

They both work for a famous picture magazine. Ari writes the articles and Ario takes a pictures. They do not only cover the domestic events but foreign ones as well . So the magazine often sends them all over the world to cover important events. They have won many awards. Because of their good achievement in their profession, many famous magazines and newspapers offer them good positions, but they refuse. They want to devote themselves entirely to the magazine where they are working now. They are really a solid team.

If the statement is true click the answer True and if the statement is false click the answer False!

Match the question and the answer below by click and drag a,b,c,d and e



Read carefully text below.
Tiger orchid is the largest orchid in the world. It is from Sumatra , Malaysia , and Polynesia . We can find it on the crowns of trees. They grow high above the ground. We often find the near streams.

The young stems are upright . The mature stems bend in graceful curves. When the plants are flowering, it is a magnificent sight. Some of the collective flower of a plant reaches 3 meters. The collective flower of a plant can have 100 individual flowers. One flower can be 15 cm in diameter.

The sprays are upright, w e can see the flowers clearly. The color of the flower is yellowish or greenish yellow. They have various marking. It is dull orange- brown to maroon-purple. Orchid farmers do not cultivate it much. It must have full sun. We do not need soil to plant it. We need brick fragments and charcoal mixed with decaying leaves.

Match the statement and the paragraph below!

Type the number of paragraph by clicking the "click here"!

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adjectives!


* Siswa dapat mengidentifikasikan makna gagasan dalam wacana: gagasan utama, informasi faktual, informasi rinci, makna kata, frasa, dan kalimat
* Siswa dapat menggunakan dengan tepat: kalimat bentuk simple present tense, descriptive adjectives , huruf ejaan, dan tanda baca.
* Siswa dapat menggunakan berbagai sub keterampilan dalam membaca.
* Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks berbentuk descriptive.

Materi ini menjelaskan tentang teks descriptive , yaitu teks yang mempunyai ciri kebahasaan ( grammar ) menggunakan kalimat Present Tense dan mempunyai langkah retorika yaitu Identification-Description serta mempunyai fungsi sosial ( social function ) untuk menggambarkan manusia maupun suatu benda secara mendetail, ( to describe parts, qualities and characteristics ).

Materi ini dilengkapi dengan latihan dan tes yang cukup banyak dan bervariasi sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh kesempatan berlatih yang cukup banyak tentang penggunaan Present Tense and adjectives dalam kaitannya dengan teks descriptive.

Key words:
descriptive text, identification- description, present tense, adjective

Descriptive Text

Descriptive is to describe a particular person, place or thing. It means you describe their colors, shapes, sizes, weight, height, width, density, contents, and so on. In writing the text, you use the Simple Present Tense.

The structure of the text is:

* Identification : identifies phenomenon to be described.
* Description : describes parts, qualities and characteristics

Reading Comprehension

Grammar Present Tense

Remember the patterns of Present Tense with be : statements, subject pronouns

How do you get information?

1. We use the Simple Present to talk about things in general , or something happens all the time or repeatedly, or something is true in general . It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking or not.

Grammar Present Tense

I + Verb + Object / Complement
He + Verb using - s/ -es + Object / Complement

Time Signal (ts) = every ..................

For the example :
I eat breakfast every morning
S + Verb + O/C + ts
She follows an English course every Saturday
S + Verb (s/es) + O/C + ts

Am, are and is as the three forms of the verb be are in the Simple Present Tense . Contractions between subject pronouns and am, are , and is appear in informal usage. A contraction always contains an apostrophe (‘), which represents the omitted missing letter.

Grammar Present Tense

2. The verb after she, he, it (3 rd person singular) has a final -s


Adverbs of frequency come between the subject and the Simple Present verb :
Subject + Always + Verb

Adverbs of frequency sometimes come either at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.

For examples:

* Sometimes I get up at 7:00

* I sometimes get up at 7:00

* I get up at 7:00 sometimes


* Pesta always comes to class on time.

* Liana usually comes to class.

* We often watch TV at night.

* I sometimes drink juice at dinner.

* I seldom go to movies.

* Robert rarely makes a mistake.

* I never eat fresh peaches.

Grammar Present Tense

How do you ask questions?

1. The Simple Present Tense: Yes/ No questions

Is the animal rare?

Are those animals tame?

Does the giraffe eat leaves?

Do the penguins live in the South Pole?

2. The Simple Present: Asking Questions with what, where

What is a zebra like?

What does he look like?

Where does Pesta live?

Order of descriptive adjectives

Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together:

Pesta lives in a nice new house.

In the kitchen there was a beautiful large round wooden table

Adjectives like new/large/round/wooden are fact adjectives . They gives us objective information about something ( age, size, color, etc ). Adjectives like nice/beautiful are opinion adjectives . They tell us what someone thinks of something. Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives. Examples are as follows:

* Good
* Bad
* Ugly
* Interesting
* Nice
* Intelligent


* Big
* Small


* Round
* Square
* Triangular


* Chipped
* Broken
* Rotten

* Old
* Young
* New
* Antique

* Red
* Green
* Blue
* Bright green
* Dark blue
* Deep purple


* French
* Italian
* Japanese


* Wooden
* Vegetable
* Cotton
* Brass

Grammar Comparison

Remember the patterns of Comparison:
1. When you describe people, animals or things, you use adjectives. Sometimes there are two or more adjectives. We put the adjectives in this order.
2. When we use adjectives to compare two people, animals or things, we use the following pattern:

We use –er for the comparative degree of short adjectives. We use –er with one-syllable adjective and some two-syllable adjectives. For examples:

* Big-bigger,

* hot-hotter,

* clever-cleverer,

* easy-easier,

* busy-busier,

* funny-funnier, and

* lucky-luckier .

We use more in front of adjectives that have two or more syllables, (except adjectives that end in –y) . For example: interesting-more interesting, beautiful-more beautiful, difficult-more difficult.

3. We use –est to form the superlative degree of the adjectives. In general, we use –est for shorter words with some two-syllable adjectives. For example: long-the longest, hot-the hottest, easy-the easiest and hard-the hardest.

We use most for the long words with three-syllable adjectives. For example: most carefully, most comfortable.

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009


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There are three kinds of sentences and they are:

a) The simple sentence
b) The complex sentence
c) The compound sentence

Study the following sentence:

He wrote a letter.

The sentence given above has only one clause. A sentence having only one clause is called a simple sentence.

More examples are given below:

The dog barked.
It rained.
She danced.
He worked.
She made coffee.
He worked in the garage.
He sat on the sofa.

You will have noticed that a simple sentence consists of just one finite verb.

Compound sentence

Consider the sentence given below:

He wrote a letter and she posted it.

The sentence given above consists of two clauses ‘He wrote a letter’ and ‘she posted it.’ Both of these clauses make complete sense and can stand independently. Both clauses are therefore main clauses. A sentence having two or more main clauses is called a compound sentence.

Note that the clauses in a compound sentence are connected by coordinating conjunctions such as and, or, but, yet, either…nor, both…and and neither…nor.

Examples are given below

He is slow but he is regular.

Here the main clauses ‘He is slow’ and ‘He is regular’ are connected by the coordinating conjunction but.

I went to the market and bought some vegetables.

Here the main clauses ‘I went to the market’ and ‘I bought some vegetables’ are connected by the coordinating conjunction and.

Complex sentence

Consider the sentence given below:

He wrote a letter while she watched TV.

This sentence consists of two clauses ‘He wrote a letter’ and ‘while she watched TV’. Here the clause ‘He wrote a letter’ makes complete sense and can stand independently. It is, therefore, a main clause. Now consider the clause ‘while she watched TV’. This clause, too, has a subject and a predicate of its own, but it doesn’t make complete sense. It is, therefore, a subordinate clause. A sentence having one main clause and one or more subordinating clauses is called a complex sentence.

More examples are given below:

She came because I asked her to come.
I don’t know what she means.
John spoke as though he were a born orator.
He said that the traitor should be put to death.

Want to learn more? Feel free to visit this site


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English Grammar Tests Collections cover all 32 types of English Grammar questions. They are: Adjectives and Adverbs, Adverb Clauses, Articles (A, An, The), Causative Form, Compound Nouns, Comparisons, Conjunctions, Conditional Sentences, Determiners, Emphatic Forms, Gerund, Gerund & Infinitive, Infinitive, Inversion, Modal Verbs, Must / Have to, Noun Clauses, etc. Please feel free to DOWNLOAD ENGLISH GRAMMAR TESTS


* Ambitious and serious
* Loves to teach and be taught
* Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses
* Likes to criticize
* Hardworking and productive
* Smart, neat and organized
* Sensitive and has deep thoughts
* Knows how to make others happy
* Quiet unless excited or tensed
* Rather reserved
* Highly attentive
* Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds
* Ro mantic but has difficulties expressing love
* Loves children
* Homely person
* Loyal
* Needs to improve social abilities
* Easily jealous

* Abstract thoughts
* Loves reality and abstract
* Intelligent and clever
* Changing personality
* Temperamental
* Quiet, shy and humble
* Low self esteem
* Honest and loyal
* Determined to reach goals
* Loves freedom
* Rebellious when restricted
* Loves aggressiveness
* Too sensitive and easily hurt
* Showing anger easil y
* Dislike unnecessary things
* Loves making friends but rarely shows it
* Daring and stubborn
* Ambitious
* Realizing dreams and hopes
* Sharp
* Loves entertainment and leisure
* Romantic on the inside not outside
* Superstitious and ludicrous
* Spendthrift
* Learns to show emotions

* Attractive personality
* Affectionate
* Shy and reserved
* Secretive
* Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
* Loves peace and serenity
* Sensitive to others
* Loves to serve others
* Not easily angered
* Trustworthy
* Appreciative and returns kindness
* Observant and assess others
* Revengeful
* Loves to dream and fantasize
* Loves traveling
* Loves attention
* Loves home decors
* Musically talented
* Loves special things
* Moody

* Active and dynamic
* Decisive and hateful but tends to regret
* Attractive and affectionate to oneself
* Strong mentality
* Loves attention
* Diplomatic
* Consoling
* Friendly and solves people's problems
* Brave and fearless
* Adventurous
* Loving and caring
* Suave and generous
* Emotional
* Revengeful
* Aggressive
* Hasty
* Good memory
* Moving
* Motivate oneself and the others
* Sickness usually of the head and chest
* Easily get to o jealous

* Stubborn and hard-hearted
* Strong-willed and highly motivated
* Sharp thoughts
* Easily angered
* Attracts others and loves attention
* Deep feelings
* Beautiful physically and mentally
* Firm standpoint
* Easily influenced
* Needs no motivation
* Easily consoled
* Systematic (left brain)
* Loves to dream
* Strong clairvoyance
* Understanding
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck
* Good imagination
* Good debating skills
* Good physical
* Weak breathing
* Loves literature and the arts
* Loves traveling
* Dislike being at home
* Restless
* Hardworking
* High spirited
* Spendthrift

* Thinks far with vision
* Easily influenced by kindness
* Polite and soft-spoken
* Having lots of ideas
* Sensitive
* Active mind
* Hesitating
* Tends to delay
* Choosy and always wants the best
* Temperamental
* Funny and humorous
* Loves to joke
* Good debating skills
* Talkative
* Daydreamer
* Frie ndly
* Knows how to make friends
* Abiding
* Able to show character
* Easily hurt
* Prone to getting colds
* Loves to dress up
* Easily bored
* Fussy
* Seldom show emotions
* Takes time to recover when hurt
* Brand conscious
* Executive
* Stubborn
* Those who loves me are enemies
* Those who hates me are friends

* Fun to be with
* Secretive
* Difficult to fathom and to be understood
* Quiet unless excited or tensed
* Takes pride in oneself
* Has reputation
* Easily consoled
* Honest
* Concern about people's feelings
* Tactful
* Friendly
* Approachable
* Very emotional
* Temperamental and unpredictable
* Moody and easily hurt
* Witty and sarky
* Sentimental
* Not revengeful
* Forgiving but never forgets
* Dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things
* Guides others physically and mentally
* Sensitive and forms impressions carefully
* Caring and loving
* Treats others equally
* Strong sense of sympathy
* Wary and sharp
* Judge people through observations
* Hardworking
* No difficulties i

* Loves to joke
* Attractive
* Suave and caring
* Brave and fearless
* Firm and has leadership qualities
* K nows how to console others
* Too generous and egoistic
* Takes high pride of oneself
* Thirsty for praises
* Extraordinary spirit
* Easily angered
* Angry when provoked
* Easily jealous
* Observant
* Careful and cautious
* Thinks quickly
* Independent thoughts
* Loves to lead and to be led
* Loves to dream
* Talented in the arts, music and defense
* Sensitive but not petty
* Poor resistance against illnesses
* Learns to relax
* Hasty and rushy
* Romantic
* Loving and caring
* Loves to make friends

* Suave and compromising
* Careful, cautious and organized
* Likes to point out people's mistakes
* Likes to criticize
* Quiet but able to talk well
* Calm and cool
* Kind and sympathetic
* Concerned and detailed
* Trustworthy, loyal and honest
* Does work well
* Sensitive
* Thinking
* Good memory
* Clever and knowledgeable
* Loves to look for information
* Must control oneself when criticizing
* Able to motivate oneself
* Understanding
* Secretive
* Loves sports, leisure and traveling
* Hardly shows emotions
* Tends to bottle up feelings
* Choosy especially in relationships
* Loves wide things
* Systematic

* Loves to chat
* Loves those who loves him
* Loves to takes things at the centre
* Attractive and suave
* Inner and physical beauty
* Does not lie or pretend
* Sympathetic
* Treats friends importantly
* Always making friends
* Easily hurt but recovers easily
* Bad tempered
* Selfish
* Seldom helps unless asked
* Daydreamer
* Very opinionated
* Does not care of what others think
* Emotional
* Decisive
* Strong clairvoyance
* Loves to travel, the arts and literature
* Soft-spoken, loving and caring
* Romantic
* Touchy and easily jealous
* Concerned
* Loves outdoors
* Just and fair
* Spendthrift and easily influenced
* Easily lose confidence

* Has a lot of ideas
* Difficult to fathom
* Thinks forward
* Unique and brilliant
* Extraordinary ideas
* Sharp thinking
* Fine and strong clairvoyance
* Can become good doctors
* Careful and cautious
* Dynamic in personality
* Secretive
* Inquisitive
* Knows how to dig secrets
* Always thinking
* Less talkative but amiable
* Brave and generous
* Patient
* Stubborn and hard-hearted
* If there is a will, there is a way
* Determined
* Never give up
* Hardly become angry unless provoked
* Loves to be alone
* Thinks differently from others
* Sharp-minded
* Motivates oneself
* D oes not appreciates praises
* High-spirited
* Well-built and tough
* Deep love

* Loyal and generous
* Patriotic
* Active in games and interactions
* Impatient and hasty
* Ambitious
* Influential in organizations
* Fun to be with
* Loves to socialize
* Loves praises
* Loves attention
* Loves to be loved
* Honest and trustworthy
* Not pretending
* Short tempered
* Changing personality
* Not egoistic
* Takes high pride in oneself
* Hates restrictions * Loves to joke
* Good sense of humor
* Logical



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6. WhoLinked - Memperlihatkan kepada pengunjung blog Anda situs-situs yang telah melink pada blog Anda. tidak perlu mengupdate karena WhoLinked ini secara teratur mengupdate sendiri web/blog yang melink blog Anda.

7. Calender - Berbeda dengan wordpress yang sudah mempunyai widget ini di dalamnya, untuk pengguna blogger widget kalender belum tersedia, oleh karenanya jika Anda ingin menampilkan kalender maka widget satu ini pantas di perhitungkan.

8. FeedCount - Menampilkan jumlah pengunjung blog Anda melalui banner kecil dan widget ini berhubungan dengan account feedburner Anda.

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11. CheckPageRank - Pilihan lain untuk menampilkan PR blog Anda, namun kelebihannya widget ini menampilkan juga ranking Alexa.

12. Counter Statistic - Bagi Anda yang ingin melihat jumlah pengunjung Anda sehari-hari, maka widget ini adalah salah satu yang menyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
13. Vizu - Pilihan widget lain untuk membuat poling pada blog Anda, kelebihannya widget ini cocok dengan platform blog manapun.

14. Shoutbox - Fungsi shoutbox adalah untuk menampung pesan singkat teman atau para blogger yang tengah blogwalking. Untuk shoutbox banyak pilihan yang bisa Anda gunakan diantaranya, Shoutmix, Cbox, atau kalo Anda berorientasi nasionalis dan cinta produk dalam negeri Anda bisa memilih Oggix. For further guide, PLEASE CLICK HERE